A Year End Note
December 2016

As the Administrator and Members of the Advisory Board of The Stone and Holt Weeks Foundation, we wanted to write this year's December message to thank you for your continuing support and to ask that you remember the Foundation in your year-end giving.
During the last seven years the Foundation has awarded grants totaling nearly $350,000 to multiple organizations working to benefit those most in need. This is a testament to Stone and to Holt, who were -- and continue to be -- an inspiration for others to further the work they engaged in during their all too brief lives. Please see what the Foundation has accomplished so far.
During 2016 the Foundation’s Endowment has continued to grow, and it is the hope, with your generous support, that the Foundation will continue to fund -- and increase giving to -- these organizations for many years to come. We also will be able to respond to emergency relief efforts that would have unquestionably engaged Holt and Stone.
Our Foundation is a component fund of the Community Foundation for the National Capital Region. All contributions are tax deductible. When you make a donation to The Stone and Holt Weeks Foundation, 98.9 percent goes straight to the good causes we support. The other 1.1 percent goes to the Community Foundation, which handles the accounting and paperwork.
Please remember We Kare-eoke *Washington* with the Harikaraoke Band on Thursday, December 22 from 6:00 to 11:00 PM at Flanagan’s Harp & Fiddle in Bethesda, Maryland. Flanagan’s is located at 4844 Cordell Avenue. The night will support the Foundation -- and in turn, all of the organizations that the Foundation benefits.
Susan Park, Administrator
Nathan Barash, Member, Advisory Board
Rob Bouknight, Member, Advisory Board
Sarah Taylor Bower, Member, Advisory Board
Caroline Lacey, Member, Advisory Board